NAV Navbar
javascript node.js php cURL C#


Welcome to the Swift SMS Gateway API! You can use our API to easily send SMS messages anywhere in the world.

To use the Swift SMS Gateway API, please sign up for a free account here.

Message Size Limits and Unicode

Normal GSM-7 messages have a 160 character limit. Messages exceeding this length will be automatically concatenated, and the corresponding quantity of credits will be deducted.

All messages with characters outside of the GSM-7 standard will automatically be converted to Unicode. Unicode messages have a 70 character limit. Messages exceeding this length will be automatically concatenated, and the corresponding quantity of credits will be deducted.

In order to keep costs low, Swift recommends keeping messages under 160 characters in length and to avoid using characters outside of the GSM-7 character set whenever possible.


To use Swift SMS Gateway via our web services, you must point to the appropriate endpoint. Swift recommends using a secure connection whenever possible.

If using the simple HTTP send method:



If using .NET service references (or accessing our web service via a SOAP library (such as, you do not need to access the individual endpoints. Instead, use the single endpoint:



If using a REST-friendly language or library you must change your URL based on the HTTP Request section in each function. The base URLs are:



Sending a SMS message


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient())
  string response = client.SendMessage(destinationNumber,
    messageBody, accountKey);

// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();
body.MessageBody = "Message Body";

var url = string.Format("{0}/{1}",
  accountKey, destinationNumber);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json");

    string response = wClient.UploadString(url,

// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/" + destinationNumber
var body = JSON.stringify({
  MessageBody: "Message Body"
    url: postUrl,
    method: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
    data: body
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);
// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $CellNumber;
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageBody;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> CellNumber = destinationNumber;
$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageBody = "This is a demonstration of using PHP5.";

$Result = $client->SendMessage($parameters);
Simple HTTP GET:
curl "[destinationNumber]&AccountKey=[accountKey]&MessageBody=[messageBody]"

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
     "[accountKey]/[destination]" \
     --data "{ \"MessageBody\": \"[messageBody]\" }"
'Using Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.SendMessage(destinationNumber, messageBody, accountKey)
End Using

'Using Webclient (REST)    
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/{1}", accountKey, destinationNumber)
Dim body = String.Format("{{ ""MessageBody"": ""{0}"", ""Reference"" : ""{1}"" }}", messageBody, reference)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.UploadString(url, body)
End Using

Sends an SMS message to the given phone number. Returns Message queued successfully on success, or an error message on fail.

HTTP Request

POST: /services/message.svc/:accountKey/:destinationNumber

GET: /SendSMS.aspx?CellNumber=[destinationNumber]&AccountKey=[accountKey]&MessageBody=[messageBody]

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
DestinationNumber Cell number to receive the text message URL
MessageBody Body of the message to send BODY



Response Description
Message queued successfully Your message has been queued and will be sent
Cell number is invalid The cell number was not supplied or was too short.
Message body was missing No message was supplied. We do not permit sending blank SMS messages.
The account key parameter was not valid The account key was not supplied or or was less than 9 characters.
This account is disabled The specified account has been disabled by our administrator for violating one or more of our policies.
Account key not found The specified account key cannot be found. Please verify the key and try again.
There are no messages remaining on this account You will need to purchase additional messages.
No authorized credit plan found to match this phone number. Please check the number, and ensure you are authorized to send messages to this region By default, accounts are authorized to send to certain countries only. Please contact us to find out how to send to other regions.
Credit rule not found You attempted to send a message to a region you do not have permission to. Please contact your account manager to check regions. - Message will not be sent
Message content is not acceptable, message not sent Please contact us for details
Time of day at destination falls outside the established time restrictions for your account, message not sent. For Enterprise level accounts only - optional time-of-day windows can be created to restrict sending.


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftNew.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var response = client.SendMessageExtended(destinationNumber, messageBody, accountKey);

// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();
body.MessageBody = "Message Body";
body.Reference = "Reference Number";

var url = string.Format("{0}/{1}/Extended", 
    accountKey, destinationNumber);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json");

    string response = wClient.UploadString(url,
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
    + accountKey + "/" + destinationNumber + "/Extended"
var body = JSON.stringify({
  MessageBody: "Message Body",
  Reference: "Reference Number"
    url: postUrl,
    method: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
    data: body
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $CellNumber;
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageBody;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> CellNumber = destinationNumber;
$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageBody = "This is a demonstration of using PHP5.";

$Result = $client->SendMessageExtended($parameters);
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
     "[accountKey]/[destination]/Extended" \
     --data "{\"MessageBody\": \"[messageBody]\", \"Reference\": \"[reference]\"}"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.SendMessageExtended(destinationNumber, messageBody, accountKey)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/{1}/Extended",
                        accountKey, destinationNumber)
Dim body = String.Format("{{ ""MessageBody"": ""{0}"", ""Reference"" : ""{1}"" }}",
                            messageBody, reference)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.UploadString(url, body)
End Using

Sends an SMS message to the given phone number. Returns an instance of an SMSSendMessageResponse.

HTTP Request

POST: /services/message.svc/:accountKey/:destinationNumber/Extended

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
DestinationNumber Cell number to receive the text message URL
MessageBody Body of the message to send BODY
Reference Internal Reference ID BODY



Field Type Description
ErrorMessage string Empty if successful, description (see SendMessage) if failure
MessageID long Unique Message ID of queued message
MessagesRemaining int Credits remaining on your account
QueuedSuccessfully boolean True if message was queued


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient())
  string response = client.SendMessageMultiRoute(destinationNumber,
    messageBody, accountKey);

// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();
body.MessageBody = "Message Body";
body.Reference = "Reference Number";

var url = string.Format("{0}/{1}/Multi",
  accountKey, destinationNumber);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json");

    string response = wClient.UploadString(url,

// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/" + destinationNumber + "/Multi";
var body = JSON.stringify({
  MessageBody: "Message Body",
  Reference: "Reference Number"
    url: postUrl,
    method: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
    data: body
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);
// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $CellNumber;
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageBody;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> CellNumber = destinationNumber;
$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageBody = "This is a demonstration of using PHP5.";

$Result = $client->SendMessageMultiRoute($parameters);

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
     "[accountKey]/[destination]/ViaDedicated" \
     --data "{\"MessageBody\": \"[messageBody]\", \"Reference\": \"[reference]\"}"
'Using Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.SendMessageMultiRoute(destinationNumber, messageBody, accountKey)
End Using

'Using Webclient (REST)    
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/{1}/Multi", accountKey, destinationNumber)
Dim body = String.Format("{{ ""MessageBody"": ""{0}"", ""Reference"" : ""{1}"" }}", messageBody, reference)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.UploadString(url, body)
End Using

Sends an SMS message to the given phone number using two upstream routes to maximize chances for delivery of extremely high priority messages.

HTTP Request

POST: /services/message.svc/:accountKey/:destinationNumber/Multi

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
DestinationNumber Cell number to receive the text message URL
MessageBody Body of the message to send BODY
Reference Internal Reference ID BODY



See SendMessage


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftNew.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var response = client.SendMessageViaDedicatedNumber(destinationNumber, messageBody, accountKey,
        reference, senderNumber);


// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();
body.MessageBody = "Message Body";
body.Reference = "Reference Number";
body.SenderNumber = senderNumber;

var url = string.Format("{0}/{1}/ViaDedicated", 
    accountKey, destinationNumber);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json");

    string response = wClient.UploadString(url,
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/" + destinationNumber + "/ViaDedicated";
var body = JSON.stringify({
  MessageBody: "Message Body",
  Reference: "Reference Number",
  SenderNumber: "[senderNumber]"
    url: postUrl,
    method: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
    data: body
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);
// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $CellNumber;
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageBody;
    public $SenderNumber;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> CellNumber = destinationNumber;
$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageBody = "This is a demonstration of using PHP5.";
$parameters -> SenderNumber = senderNumber;

$Result = $client->SendMessageViaDedicatedNumber($parameters);

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
     "[accountKey]/[destination]/ViaDedicated" \
     --data "{\"MessageBody\": \"[messageBody]\", \"Reference\": \"[reference]\", \"SenderNumber\", \"[senderNumber]\"}"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.SendMessageViaDedicatedNumber(destinationNumber, messageBody,
                    accountKey, reference, senderNumber)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/{1}/ViaDedicated",
                        accountKey, destinationNumber)
Dim body = String.Format("{{ ""MessageBody"": ""{0}"", " & _
                         "   ""Reference"" : ""{1}"", " & _
                         "   ""SenderNumber"" : ""{2}"" }}",
                         messageBody, reference, senderNumber)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.UploadString(url, body)
End Using

Sends an SMS message to the given phone number from the specified sender number. The SenderNumber must be a dedicated long code associated with your account. View your dedicated numbers in your control panel.

HTTP Request

POST: /services/message.svc/:accountKey/:destinationNumber/ViaDedicated

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
DestinationNumber Cell number to receive the text message URL
MessageBody Body of the message to send BODY
Reference Internal Reference ID BODY
SenderNumber Sender ID (Long code number) to send the message via BODY



See SendMessage


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftNew.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var response = client.SendMessageViaDedicatedNumberExtended(destinationNumber, messageBody, accountKey,
        reference, senderNumber);


// Web Client / REST
// uses JQuery library
// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $CellNumber;
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageBody;
    public $SenderNumber;
    public $Reference;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> CellNumber = destinationNumber;
$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageBody = "This is a demonstration of using PHP5.";
$parameters -> SenderNumber = senderNumber;
$parameters -> Reference = reference;

$Result = $client->SendMessageViaDedicatedNumberExtended($parameters);

' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.SendMessageViaDedicatedNumberExtended(destinationNumber, messageBody,
                    accountKey, reference, senderNumber)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)

Sends an SMS message to the given phone number from the specified sender number. The SenderNumber must be a dedicated long code associated with your account.

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
DestinationNumber Cell number to receive the text message URL
MessageBody Body of the message to send BODY
Reference Internal Reference ID BODY
SenderNumber Sender ID (Long code number) to send the message via BODY



See SendMessageExtended


// Priority Enum
private enum Priorities
    High = 1,
    Normal = 2,
    Low = 3

const Priorities priority = Priorities.Normal;

// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftNew.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var response = client.SendMessageWithPriority(destinationNumber, messageBody, accountKey,
        reference, (int)priority);


// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();
body.MessageBody = "Message Body";
body.Reference = "Reference Number";

var url = string.Format("{0}/{1}/priority/{2}", 
    accountKey, destinationNumber, (int)priority);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json");

    string response = wClient.UploadString(url,
const HighPriority = 1;
const NormalPriority = 2;
const LowPriority = 3;

// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/" + destinationNumber + "/priority/" + NormalPriority;
var body = JSON.stringify({
  MessageBody: "Message Body",
  Reference: "Reference Number"
    url: postUrl,
    method: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
    data: body
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -
const HighPriority = 1;
const NormalPriority = 2;
const LowPriority = 3;

class SMSParam {
    public $CellNumber;
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageBody;
    public $Priority;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> CellNumber = destinationNumber;
$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageBody = "This is a demonstration of using PHP5.";
$parameters -> Priority = NormalPriority;

$Result = $client->SendMessageWithPriority($parameters);
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
     "[accountKey]/[destination]/priority/[priority]" \
     --data "{\"MessageBody\": \"[messageBody]\", \"Reference\": \"[reference]\" }"
Enum Priorities
    High = 1
    Normal = 2
    Low = 3
End Enum
Dim priority = Priorities.Normal

' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.SendMessageWithPriority(destinationNumber, messageBody,
                    accountKey, reference, Convert.ToInt32(priority))
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/{1}/priority/{2}",
                        accountKey, destinationNumber, Convert.ToInt32(priority))
Dim body = String.Format("{{ ""MessageBody"": ""{0}"", " & _
                            "   ""Reference"" : ""{1}"", " & _
                            "   ""Priority"" : {2} }}",
                            messageBody, reference, Convert.ToInt32(priority))

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.UploadString(url, body)
End Using

End Sub

Sends an SMS message to the given phone number. Queue priority is set based on Priority parameter:

1: High priority
2: Normal priority
3: Low priority

Messages with a higher priority will be preferred over your normal messages.

HTTP Request

POST: /services/message.svc/:accountKey/:destinationNumber/priority/:priority

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
DestinationNumber Cell number to receive the text message URL
Priority Priority of message. 1 = High 2 = Normal 3 = Low URL
MessageBody Body of the message to send BODY
Reference Internal Reference ID BODY



See SendMessage


// Priority Enum
private enum Priorities
    High = 1,
    Normal = 2,
    Low = 3

const Priorities priority = Priorities.Normal;

// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftNew.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var response = client.SendMessageWithPriorityExtended(destinationNumber, messageBody, accountKey,
        reference, (int)priority);


// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();
body.MessageBody = "Message Body";
body.Reference = "Reference Number";

var url = string.Format("{0}/{1}/PriorityExtended/{2}", 
    accountKey, destinationNumber, (int)priority);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json");

    string response = wClient.UploadString(url,
const HighPriority = 1;
const NormalPriority = 2;
const LowPriority = 3;

// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/" + destinationNumber + "/PriorityExtended/" + NormalPriority;
var body = JSON.stringify({
  MessageBody: "Message Body",
  Reference: "Reference Number"
    url: postUrl,
    method: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
    data: body
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -
const HighPriority = 1;
const NormalPriority = 2;
const LowPriority = 3;

class SMSParam {
    public $CellNumber;
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageBody;
    public $Priority;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> CellNumber = destinationNumber;
$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageBody = "This is a demonstration of using PHP5.";
$parameters -> Priority = NormalPriority;

$Result = $client->SendMessageWithPriorityExtended($parameters);
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
     "[accountKey]/[destination]/PriorityExtended/[priority]" \
     --data "{\"MessageBody\": \"[messageBody]\", \"Reference\": \"[reference]\" }"
Enum Priorities
    High = 1
    Normal = 2
    Low = 3
End Enum
Dim priority = Priorities.Normal

' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.SendMessageWithPriorityExtended(destinationNumber, messageBody,
                    accountKey, reference, Convert.ToInt32(priority))
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/{1}/PriorityExtended/{2}",
                        accountKey, destinationNumber, Convert.ToInt32(priority))
Dim body = String.Format("{{ ""MessageBody"": ""{0}"", " & _
                            "   ""Reference"" : ""{1}"", " & _
                            "   ""Priority"" : {2} }}",
                            messageBody, reference, Convert.ToInt32(priority))

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.UploadString(url, body)
End Using

End Sub

Sends an SMS message to the given phone number. Queue priority is set based on Priority parameter:

1: High priority
2: Normal priority
3: Low priority

Messages with a higher priority will be preferred over your normal messages.

HTTP Request


Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
DestinationNumber Cell number to receive the text message URL
Priority Priority of message. 1 = High 2 = Normal 3 = Low URL
MessageBody Body of the message to send BODY
Reference Internal Reference ID BODY



See SendMessageExtended


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftNew.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var response = client.SendMessageWithReference(destinationNumber, messageBody, accountKey,


// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();
body.MessageBody = messageBody;
body.Reference = reference;

var url = string.Format("{0}/{1}", 
    accountKey, destinationNumber);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json");

    string response = wClient.UploadString(url,
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/" + destinationNumber
var body = JSON.stringify({
  MessageBody: "Message Body",
  Reference: "reference"
    url: postUrl,
    method: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
    data: body
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $CellNumber;
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageBody;
    public $Reference;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> CellNumber = destinationNumber;
$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageBody = "This is a demonstration of using PHP5.";
$parameters -> Reference = reference;

$Result = $client->SendMessageWithReference($parameters);

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
     "[accountKey]/[destination]" \
     --data "{\"MessageBody\": \"[messageBody]\", \"Reference\": \"[reference]\"}"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.SendMessageWithReference(destinationNumber, messageBody,
                    accountKey, reference)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/{1}",
                        accountKey, destinationNumber)
Dim body = String.Format("{{ ""MessageBody"": ""{0}"", " & _
                         "   ""Reference"" : ""{1}"" }}",
                            messageBody, reference)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.UploadString(url, body)
End Using

Sends an SMS message to the given phone number. Allows adding a Reference which can be used in the future to retrieve outgoing information or incoming replies.

HTTP Request

POST: /services/message.svc/:accountKey/:destinationNumber

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
DestinationNumber Cell number to receive the text message URL
MessageBody Body of the message to send BODY
Reference Internal Reference ID BODY



See SendMessage


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftNew.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var response = client.SendMessageWithReferenceExtended(destinationNumber, messageBody, accountKey,


// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();
body.MessageBody = messageBody;
body.Reference = reference;

var url = string.Format("{0}/{1}/Extended", 
    accountKey, destinationNumber);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json");

    string response = wClient.UploadString(url,
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/" + destinationNumber + "/Extended";
var body = JSON.stringify({
  MessageBody: "Message Body",
  Reference: "reference"
    url: postUrl,
    method: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
    data: body
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $CellNumber;
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageBody;
    public $Reference;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> CellNumber = destinationNumber;
$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageBody = "This is a demonstration of using PHP5.";
$parameters -> Reference = reference;

$Result = $client->SendMessageWithReferenceExtended($parameters);
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
     "[accountKey]/[destination]/Extended" \
     --data "{\"MessageBody\": \"[messageBody]\", \"Reference\": \"[reference]\"}"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.SendMessageWithReferenceExtended(destinationNumber, messageBody,
                    accountKey, reference)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/{1}/Extended",
                        accountKey, destinationNumber)
Dim body = String.Format("{{ ""MessageBody"": ""{0}"", " & _
                         "   ""Reference"" : ""{1}"" }}",
                         messageBody, reference)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.UploadString(url, body)
End Using

Sends an SMS message to the given phone number. Allows adding a Reference which can be used in the future to retrieve outgoing information or incoming replies.

HTTP Request

POST: /services/message.svc/:accountKey/:destinationNumber/Extended

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
DestinationNumber Cell number to receive the text message URL
MessageBody Body of the message to send BODY
Reference Internal Reference ID BODY



See SendMessageExtended


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftNew.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var response = client.SendMultiMessageWithReference(destinationNumber, messageBody, accountKey,


// Web Client / REST
// uses JQuery library
// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $CellNumber;
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageBody;
    public $Reference;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> CellNumber = destinationNumber;
$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageBody = "This is a demonstration of using PHP5.";
$parameters -> Reference = reference;

$Result = $client->SendMultiMessageWithReference($parameters);

' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.SendMultiMessageWithReference(destinationNumber, messageBody,
                    accountKey, reference)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)

Sends an SMS message to the given phone number using two upstream routes to maximize chances for delivery of extremely high priority messages.

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
DestinationNumber Cell number to receive the text message URL
MessageBody Body of the message to send BODY
Reference Internal Reference ID BODY



See SendMessage

Sending Unicode SMS Messages

Note that all messages will automatically be converted to Unicode if the message contains characters outside of the GSM-7 character set even if these methods aren't used.


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var response = client.SendUnicodeMessage(destinationNumber,
        messageBody, accountKey, reference);

// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();
body.MessageBody = messageBody;
body.Reference = reference;

var url = string.Format("{0}/{1}/Unicode",
    accountKey, destinationNumber);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json");

    var response = wClient.UploadString(url,
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/" + destinationNumber = "/Unicode";
var body = JSON.stringify({
  MessageBody: "Message Body",
  Reference: "Reference"
    url: postUrl,
    method: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
    data: body
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $CellNumber;
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageBody;
    public $Reference;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> CellNumber = destinationNumber;
$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageBody = "This is a demonstration of using PHP5.";
$parameters -> AccountKey = reference;

$Result = $client->SendUnicodeMessage($parameters);

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
     "[accountKey]/[destination]/Unicode" \
     --data "{\"MessageBody\": \"[messageBody]\", \"Reference\": \"[reference]\"}"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.SendUnicodeMessage(destinationNumber, messageBody,
                    accountKey, reference)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/{1}/Unicode",
                        accountKey, destinationNumber)
Dim body = String.Format("{{ ""MessageBody"": ""{0}"", " & _
                            "   ""Reference"" : ""{1}"" }}",
                            messageBody, reference)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.UploadString(url, body)
End Using

Sends an SMS message containing Unicode characters to the given phone number. Limit of 70 characters per message. Useful for sending accented characters.

HTTP Request

POST: /services/message.svc/:accountKey/:destinationNumber/Unicode

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
DestinationNumber Cell number to receive the text message URL
MessageBody Body of the message to send BODY
Reference Internal Reference ID BODY



See SendMessage


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var response = client.SendUnicodeMessageExtended(destinationNumber,
        messageBody, accountKey, reference);

// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();
body.MessageBody = messageBody;
body.Reference = reference;

var url = string.Format("{0}/{1}/UnicodeExtended",
    accountKey, destinationNumber);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json");

    var response = wClient.UploadString(url,
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/" + destinationNumber = "/UnicodeExtended";
var body = JSON.stringify({
  MessageBody: "Message Body",
  Reference: "Reference"
    url: postUrl,
    method: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
    data: body
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $CellNumber;
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageBody;
    public $Reference;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> CellNumber = destinationNumber;
$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageBody = "This is a demonstration of using PHP5.";
$parameters -> AccountKey = reference;

$Result = $client->SendUnicodeMessageExtended($parameters);

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
     "[accountKey]/[destination]/UnicodeExtended" \
     --data "{\"MessageBody\": \"[messageBody]\", \"Reference\": \"[reference]\"}"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.SendUnicodeMessageExtended(destinationNumber, messageBody,
                    accountKey, reference)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/{1}/UnicodeExtended",
                        accountKey, destinationNumber)
Dim body = String.Format("{{ ""MessageBody"": ""{0}"", " & _
                            "   ""Reference"" : ""{1}"" }}",
                            messageBody, reference)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.UploadString(url, body)
End Using

Sends an SMS message containing Unicode characters to the given phone number. Limit of 70 characters per message. Useful for sending accented characters.

HTTP Request

POST: /services/message.svc/:accountKey/:destinationNumber/UnicodeExtended

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
DestinationNumber Cell number to receive the text message URL
MessageBody Body of the message to send BODY
Reference Internal Reference ID BODY



See SendMessageExtended


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var response = client.SendUnicodeMessageMulti(destinationNumber,
        messageBody, accountKey, reference);

// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();
body.MessageBody = messageBody;
body.Reference = reference;

var url = string.Format("{0}/{1}/MultiUnicode",
    accountKey, destinationNumber);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json");

    var response = wClient.UploadString(url,
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/" + destinationNumber = "/MultiUnicode";
var body = JSON.stringify({
  MessageBody: "Message Body",
  Reference: "Reference"
    url: postUrl,
    method: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
    data: body
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $CellNumber;
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageBody;
    public $Reference;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> CellNumber = destinationNumber;
$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageBody = "This is a demonstration of using PHP5.";
$parameters -> AccountKey = reference;

$Result = $client->SendUnicodeMessageMulti($parameters);

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
     "[accountKey]/[destination]/MultiUnicode" \
     --data "{\"MessageBody\": \"[messageBody]\", \"Reference\": \"[reference]\"}"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.SendUnicodeMessageMulti(destinationNumber, messageBody,
                    accountKey, reference)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/{1}/MultiUnicode",
                        accountKey, destinationNumber)
Dim body = String.Format("{{ ""MessageBody"": ""{0}"", " & _
                            "   ""Reference"" : ""{1}"" }}",
                            messageBody, reference)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.UploadString(url, body)
End Using

Sends a Unicode SMS message to the given phone number using two upstream routes to maximize chances for delivery of extremely high priority messages.

HTTP Request

POST: /services/message.svc/:accountKey/:destinationNumber/MultiUnicode

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
DestinationNumber Cell number to receive the text message URL
MessageBody Body of the message to send BODY
Reference Internal Reference ID BODY



See SendMessage

Sending a MMS


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var response = var response = client.SendMultimediaMessage(destinationNumber,
        "http://location.of/mms_image.jpg", accountKey);

// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();
body.URLOfContent = "http://location.of/mms_image.jpg";

var url = string.Format("{0}/{1}/MMS",
    accountKey, destinationNumber);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json");

    var response = wClient.UploadString(url,
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/" + destinationNumber = "/MMS";
var body = JSON.stringify({
    URLOfContent = "http://location.of/mms_image.jpg"
    url: postUrl,
    method: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
    data: body
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $CellNumber;
    public $AccountKey;
    public $ContentURL;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> CellNumber = destinationNumber;
$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> ContentURL = "http://location.of/mms_image.jpg";

$Result = $client->SendMultimediaMessage($parameters);

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
     "[accountKey]/[destination]/MMS" \
     --data "{ \"URLOfContent\": \"http://location.of/mms_image.jpg\" }"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.SendMultimediaMessage(destinationNumber,
        "http://location.of/mms_image.jpg", accountKey)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/{1}/MMS",
                        accountKey, destinationNumber)
Dim body = String.Format("{{ ""URLOfContent"": ""http://location.of/mms_image.jpg"" }}")

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.UploadString(url, body)
End Using

An MMS message is a multimedia message such as an image, video or audio file. If the recipient's phone supports MMS, this rich content will appear in line with other text messages.

For us to send MMS, the content must be hosted on the Internet and you must supply a URL to retrieve the content. Please confirm the validity of the content before sending. If the content cannot be downloaded, the recipient will not receive the message. We are unable to determine this upon sending and will still need to charge for the message.

Swift recommends keeping your media sizes to no larger than 3 MB. This helps ensure compatibility with most carriers. MMS also supports a wide variety of media types, including (but not limited to):

HTTP Request

POST: /services/message.svc/:accountKey/:destinationNumber/MMS

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
DestinationNumber Cell number to receive the text message URL
URLOfContent Fully qualified URL to the image to send via MMS BODY



See SendMessage

This method may also return

Response Description
Cannot send MMS outside Canada and US At this time, we only support sending MMS to Canada and the United States

Bulk SMS Sending


// Create an "ArrayOfString" object with the numbers to receive the SMS message
var numbers = new SwiftSMS.ArrayOfString { destinationNumber };

// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var response = client.SendBulkMessage(accountKey, messageBody, reference, numbers);

// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();
body.MessageBody = messageBody;
body.Reference = reference;
body.CellNumbers = numbers;

var url = string.Format("{0}/Bulk",

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json");

    var response = wClient.UploadString(url,
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/Bulk";
var body = JSON.stringify({
  MessageBody: "Message Body",
  Reference: "Reference Number",
  CellNumbers: [destinationNumber, destinationNumber, ...]
    url: postUrl,
    method: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
    data: body
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);
// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageBody;
    public $Reference;
    public $CellNumbers;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageBody = "This is a demonstration of using PHP5.";
$parameters -> Reference = reference;
$parameters -> CellNumber = (destinationNumber, destinationNumber, ...);

$Result = $client->SendBulkMessage($parameters);

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
     "[accountKey]/Bulk" \
     --data "{\"MessageBody\": \"[messageBody]\", \"Reference\": \"[reference]\", \"CellNumbers\": [\"destinationNumber\", ...]}"
Dim numbers = New ArrayOfString()
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.SendBulkMessage(accountKey, messageBody, reference, numbers)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/Bulk",
Dim body = String.Format("{{ ""MessageBody"": ""{0}"", " & _
                            "   ""Reference"" : ""{1}"", " & _
                            "   ""CellNumbers"": [" & _
                                """" & destinationNumber & """, " & _
                                """" & destinationNumber & """, " & _
                                "..." & "] " & _
                            messageBody, reference)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.UploadString(url, body)
End Using

Sends an SMS message to all the cell numbers provided (maximum of 5000). Returns the number of messages successfully queued, or an error message on failure.

HTTP Request

POST: /services/message.svc/:accountKey/Bulk

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
MessageBody Body of the message to send BODY
Reference Internal Reference ID BODY
CellNumbers Array of cell numbers to deliver SMS messages to BODY



If successful, will return x messages queued successfully

If unsuccessful, will return an error message (See SendMessage)


// Create an "ArrayOfString" object with the numbers to receive the SMS message
var numbers = new SwiftSMS.ArrayOfString { destinationNumber };
var options = new SwiftSMS.ArrayOfString { "MsgContentType=Unicode", "SenderId=" + sendingNumber }

// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var response = client.SendBulkMessageWithOptions(accountKey, messageBody, reference, numbers, options);

// Web Client / REST
// uses JQuery library
// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageBody;
    public $Reference;
    public $CellNumbers;
    public $Options;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageBody = "This is a demonstration of using PHP5.";
$parameters -> Reference = reference;
$parameters -> CellNumber = (destinationNumber, destinationNumber, ...);
$parameters -> Options = ("MsgContentType=Unicode", "SenderId=" + sendingNumber);

$Result = $client->SendBulkMessageWithOptions($parameters);

Dim numbers = New ArrayOfString()

Dim options = new ArrayOfString()
options.Add("SenderId=" & sendingNumber)

' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.SendBulkMessage(accountKey, messageBody, reference, numbers, options)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)

Sends an SMS message to all the cell numbers provided (maximum of 5000). Returns the number of messages successfully queued, or an error message on failure.

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
MessageBody Body of the message to send BODY
Reference Internal Reference ID BODY
CellNumbers Array of cell numbers to deliver SMS messages to BODY
Options Array of strings with each containing [key]=[value] BODY


Parameter Value Description Is Default
MsgContentType Send message as ASCII or Unicode
Unicode Send Unicode Message (allowing the extended character set
ASCII Send messages using only ASCII characters Yes
Parameter Value Description Is Default
SenderId Phone number of dedicated long code to send your messages from
Parameter Value Description Is Default
Reference2 Secondary Reference field.
If this is an email address, any replies will be send to this address. This OVERRIDES account settings



If successful, will return x messages queued successfully

If unsuccessful, will return an error message: See SendMessage


var numbers = new SwiftSMS.ArrayOfString { destinationNumber, destinationNumber };
// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var response = client.SendBulkUnicodeMessage(accountKey, messageBody, reference, numbers);

// Web Client / REST
// uses JQuery library
// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageBody;
    public $Reference;
    public $CellNumbers;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageBody = "This is a demonstration of using PHP5.";
$parameters -> Reference = reference;
$parameters -> CellNumber = (destinationNumber, destinationNumber, ...);

$Result = $client->SendBulkUnicodeMessage($parameters);
Dim numbers = New ArrayOfString()
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.SendBulkUnicodeMessage(accountKey, messageBody, reference, numbers)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)

Sends an SMS Unicode enabled message to all the cell numbers provided (maximum of 5000). Returns the number of messages successfully queued, or an error message on failure.

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
MessageBody Body of the message to send BODY
Reference Internal Reference ID BODY
CellNumbers Array of cell numbers to deliver SMS messages to BODY



If successful, will return x messages queued successfully

If unsuccessful, will return an error message: See SendMessage


var numbers = new SwiftSMS.ArrayOfString { destinationNumber, destinationNumber };
var messageBodies = new SwiftSMS.ArrayOfString {"Message to recipient 1", "Message to recipient 2"};
// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var response = client.SendDistinctBulkMessages(accountKey, messageBody, numbers, messageBodies);

// Web Client / REST
// uses JQuery library
// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $Reference;
    public $CellNumbers;
    public $MessageBodies;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> Reference = reference;
$parameters -> CellNumber = (destinationNumber, destinationNumber, ...);
$parameters -> MessageBodies = ("Message to first recipient", "Message to second recipient", ...);

$Result = $client->SendDistinctBulkMessages($parameters);
Dim numbers = New ArrayOfString()
Dim messageBodies = New ArrayOfString()
messageBodies.Add("Message to first recipient")
messageBodies.Add("Message to second recipient")
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.SendDistinctBulkMessages(accountKey, reference, numbers, messageBodies)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)

Sends a unique SMS message to each cell numbers provided. Returns the number of messages successfully queued, or an error message on failure.

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key BODY
Reference Internal Reference ID BODY
CellNumbers Array of cell numbers to deliver SMS messages to BODY
MessageBodies Array of messages to deliver to the recipients. Must have the same number of elements as CellNumbers BODY



If successful, will return x messages queued successfully

If unsuccessful, will return an error message: See SendMessage


var numbers = new SwiftSMS.ArrayOfString { destinationNumber, destinationNumber };
var messageBodies = new SwiftSMS.ArrayOfString {"Message to recipient 1", "Message to recipient 2"};
// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var response = client.SendDistinctBulkMessagesViaDedicatedNumber(accountKey, messageBody, 
        senderNumber, numbers, messageBodies);

// Web Client / REST
// uses JQuery library
// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $Reference;
    public $SenderNumber;
    public $CellNumbers;
    public $MessageBodies;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> Reference = reference;
$parameters -> SenderNumber = senderNumber;
$parameters -> CellNumber = (destinationNumber, destinationNumber, ...);
$parameters -> MessageBodies = ("Message to first recipient", "Message to second recipient", ...);

$Result = $client->SendDistinctBulkMessagesViaDedicatedNumber($parameters);
Dim numbers = New ArrayOfString()
Dim messageBodies = New ArrayOfString()
messageBodies.Add("Message to first recipient")
messageBodies.Add("Message to second recipient")
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.SendDistinctBulkMessagesViaDedicatedNumber(accountKey, _
        reference, senderNumber, numbers, messageBodies)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)

Sends a unique SMS message to each cell numbers provided via the given dedicated number. Returns the number of messages successfully queued, or an error message on failure.

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key BODY
Reference Internal Reference ID BODY
SenderNumber Dedicated number to deliver the given messages BODY
CellNumbers Array of cell numbers to deliver SMS messages to BODY
MessageBodies Array of messages to deliver to the recipients. Must have the same number of elements as CellNumbers BODY



If successful, will return x messages queued successfully

If unsuccessful, will return an error message: See SendMessage


var numbers = new SwiftSMS.ArrayOfString { destinationNumber, destinationNumber };

var options = new SwiftSMS.ArrayOfString { "MsgContentType=Unicode", "SenderID=" + senderNumber };
var templateBody = "Hello <1>, you have an appointment at <2>";
SwiftSMS.ArrayOfString[] args = new ArrayOfString[2];
args[0] = new ArrayOfString {"John", "10:30am"};
args[0] = new ArrayOfString {"Linda", "3:45am"};
// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var response = client.SendTemplatedBulkMessageWithOptions(accountKey,
        templateBody, reference, numbers, args, options);

// Web Client / REST
// uses JQuery library
    /** Please contact for sample **/
Const templateBody As String = "Hello <1>, you have an appointment at <2>"

Dim numbers = New ArrayOfString()
numbers.AddRange({destinationNumber, destinationNumber})

Dim args(2) As ArrayOfString
args(0) = New ArrayOfString()
args(0).AddRange({"John", "10:30am"})
args(1) = New ArrayOfString()
args(1).AddRange({"Linda", "3:45pm"})

Dim options = New ArrayOfString()
options.Add("SenderId=" & senderNumber)

' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.SendTemplatedBulkMessageWithOptions(accountKey, _
        templateBody, reference, numbers, args, options)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)

Sends an SMS message to all the cell numbers provided (maximum of 5000). Message can contain parameters arrays in a format (eg. <1>, or <2>). Args is an array of arrays with each row having the same number of columns as cell numbers. Supported options are the following MsgContentType=Unicode | Ascii.

Returns the number of messages successfully queued, or an error message on failure.

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key BODY
Reference Internal Reference ID BODY
TemplateBody The template to use when sending the message. Using <1>, <2>, etc in the template will use values from Args BODY
CellNumbers Array of cell numbers to deliver SMS messages to BODY
Args Array of ArrayOfString objects with values for the parameters in the template body BODY
Options Array of strings with each containing [key]=[value] BODY


Parameter Value Description Is Default
MsgContentType Send message as ASCII or Unicode
Unicode Send Unicode Message (allowing the extended character set
ASCII Send messages using only ASCII characters Yes
Parameter Value Description Is Default
SenderId Phone number of dedicated long code to send your messages from
Parameter Value Description Is Default
Reference2 Secondary Reference field.
If this is an email address, any replies will be send to this address. This OVERRIDES account settings



If successful, will return x messages queued successfully

If unsuccessful, will return an error message: See SendMessage

Retrieve Incoming Messages

You can use the Redirect To Webpage feature to recieve incoming messages. Once set up in the Control Panel, you will have new incoming messages automatically sent to the web page you specify. It can be found under Number Management -> General Replies -> Redirect To Webpage


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var incomingMessages = client.GetIncomingMessages(accountKey, messageCount);

// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();

var url = string.Format("{0}/count/{1}",
    accountKey, messageCount);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");

    var response = wClient.DownloadString(url);
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/count/" + messageCount

    url: postUrl,
    method: "GET",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageCount;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageCount = 5;

$Result = $client->GetIncomingMessages($parameters);

curl "[accountKey]/count/[messageCount]"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.GetIncomingMessages(accountKey, messageCount)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/count/{1}",
                        accountKey, messageCount)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.DownloadString(url)
End Using

Get a list of the most recent incoming messages.

HTTP Request

GET: /services/incoming.svc/:accountKey/count/:messageCount

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
MessageCount The number of messages to retrieve URL


Array of SMSIncomingMessage


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var incomingMessages = client.GetIncomingMessagesAfterID(accountKey, messageNumber);


// Web Client / REST
var url = string.Format("{0}/afterId/{1}",
    accountKey, messageNumber);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");

    var response = wClient.DownloadString(url);
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/afterId/" + messageNumber

    url: postUrl,
    method: "GET",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageNumber;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageNumber = 5;

$Result = $client->GetIncomingMessagesAfterID($parameters);

curl "[accountKey]/afterId/[messageNumber]"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.GetIncomingMessagesAfterID(accountKey, messageNumber)
End Using

Dim numberList = "[""" & String.Join(""", """, numbers) & """]"

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/afterId/{1}",
                        accountKey, messageNumber)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.DownloadString(url)
End Using

Get a list of incoming messages which arrived after the message with the given ID.

HTTP Request

GET: /services/incoming.svc/:accountKey/afterId/:messageNumber

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
MessageNumber The ID of message to retrieve incoming messages after URL


Array of SMSIncomingMessage


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var incomingMessages = client.GetIncomingMessagesAfterIDExtended(accountKey, messageNumber);


// Web Client / REST
var url = string.Format("{0}/afterIdExtended/{1}",
    accountKey, messageNumber);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");

    var response = wClient.DownloadString(url);
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/afterIdExtended/" + messageNumber

    url: postUrl,
    method: "GET",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageNumber;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageNumber = 5;

$Result = $client->GetIncomingMessagesAfterIDExtended($parameters);

curl "[accountKey]/afterIdExtended/[messageNumber]"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.GetIncomingMessagesAfterIDExtended(accountKey, messageNumber)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/afterIdExtended/{1}",
                        accountKey, messageNumber)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.DownloadString(url)
End Using

Get a list of incoming messages which arrived after the message with the given ID. Includes destination phone number.

HTTP Request

GET: /services/incoming.svc/:accountKey/afterIdExtended/:messageNumber

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
MessageNumber The ID of message to retrieve incoming messages after URL


Array of SMSIncomingMessageFull


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var incomingMessages = client.GetIncomingMessagesByReference(accountKey, messageCount, reference);

// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();

var url = string.Format("{0}/reference/{1}/count/{2}",
    accountKey, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(reference), messageCount);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");

    var response = wClient.DownloadString(url);
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/reference/" + reference + "/count/" + messageCount

    url: postUrl,
    method: "GET",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $Reference;
    public $MessageCount;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageCount = 5;

$Result = $client->GetIncomingMessagesByReference($parameters);

curl "[accountKey]/reference/[reference]/count/[messageCount]"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.GetIncomingMessagesByReference(accountKey, messageCount, reference)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/reference/{1}/count/{2}",
                        accountKey, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(reference), messageCount)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.DownloadString(url)
End Using

Get a list of incoming messages which match the given reference

HTTP Request

GET: /services/incoming.svc/:accountKey/reference/:reference/count/:messageCount

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
Reference The reference of sent messages to retrieve replies to URL
MessageCount The number of messages to retrieve URL


Array of SMSIncomingMessage


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var incomingMessages = client.GetIncomingMessagesByReferenceAfterID(accountKey, messageNumber, reference);

// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();

var url = string.Format("{0}/reference/{1}/afterId/{2}",
    accountKey, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(reference), messageNumber);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");

    var response = wClient.DownloadString(url);
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/reference/" + reference + "/afterId/" + messageNumber

    url: postUrl,
    method: "GET",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $Reference;
    public $MessageNumber;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> Reference = reference;
$parameters -> MessageNumber = 5000;

$Result = $client->GetIncomingMessagesByReferenceAfterID($parameters);

curl "[accountKey]/reference/[reference]/afterId/[messageNumber]"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.GetIncomingMessagesByReferenceAfterID(accountKey, messageNumber, reference)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/reference/{1}/afterId/{2}",
                        accountKey, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(reference), messageNumber)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.DownloadString(url)
End Using

Get a list of incoming messages with the given Reference which arrived after the message with the given ID.

HTTP Request

GET: /services/incoming.svc/:accountKey/reference/:reference/afterId/:messageNumber

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
Reference The reference of sent messages to retrieve replies to URL
MessageNumber Retrieve incoming messages after this ID URL


Array of SMSIncomingMessage


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var incomingMessages = client.GetRepliesToMessage(accountKey, messageId);

// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();

var url = string.Format("{0}/replies/{1}",
    accountKey, messageId);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");

    var response = wClient.DownloadString(url);
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/replies/" + messageId

    url: postUrl,
    method: "GET",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageID;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageID = lastMessageID;

$Result = $client->GetRepliesToMessage($parameters);

curl "[accountKey]/replies/[messageId]"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.GetRepliesToMessage(accountKey, messageId)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/replies/{1}",
                        accountKey, messageId)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.DownloadString(url)
End Using

Get a list of incoming messages which have been matched to the given outbound message ID.

HTTP Request

GET: /services/incoming.svc/:accountKey/replies/:messageId

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
MessageID Outgoing Message ID of message to retrieve replies to URL


Array of SMSIncomingMessage

Account Information


var dateFrom = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7);
var dateTo = DateTime.Now;

// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var messagesUsed = client.GetCreditsUsedInDateRange(accountKey, dateFrom, dateTo);

// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();

// Convert .NET date/time to javascript friendly Unix epochs
var DatetimeMinTimeTicks = (new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).Ticks;
body.DateFrom = "/Date(" + ((dateFrom.ToUniversalTime().Ticks - DatetimeMinTimeTicks) / 10000) + ")/";
body.DateTo = "/Date(" + ((dateTo.ToUniversalTime().Ticks - DatetimeMinTimeTicks) / 10000) + ")/";

var url = string.Format("{0}/CreditsUsedInDateRange",

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");

    var messagesUsed = wClient.UploadString(url,
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/CreditsUsedInDateRange"

var todayDate = new Date();
var weekAgo = new Date();
weekAgo.setTime(todayDate.getTime()-(7*24*3600000));    // 7 days * 24 hours * 3600000 milliseconds

var body = JSON.stringify({
  DateFrom: todayDate.getTime(),
  DateTo: weekAgo.getTime()

    url: postUrl,
    method: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
    data: body
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $DateFrom;
    public $DateTo

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> DateFrom = '2016-01-01';
$parameters -> DateTo = '2016-02-01';

$Result = $client->GetCreditsUsedInDateRange($parameters);

curl -X POST[accountKey]/CreditsUsedInDateRange ^
    -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d @data.txt
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Dim dateFrom = Date.Now.AddDays(-7)
Dim dateTo = Date.Now
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.GetCreditsUsedInDateRange(accountKey, dateFrom, dateTo)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/CreditsUsedInDateRange",
Dim body = String.Format("{{ ""DateFrom"": ""/Date({0})/"", " & _
                            "   ""DateTo"" : ""/Date({1})/"" " & _
                            epochDateFrom, epochDateTo)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.UploadString(url, body)
End Using

' Function to convert .NET Date to JSON friendly Epoch date (in milliseconds)
Public Function DateTimeToEpoch(ByVal DateTimeValue As Date) As Long
        Return CLng(DateTimeValue.Subtract(CDate("1.1.1970 00:00:00")).TotalSeconds) * 1000
    Catch ex As System.OverflowException
        Return -1
    End Try

End Function

Get a count of message credits used by an account between the given dates

HTTP Request

POST: /services/account.svc/:accountKey/CreditsUsedInDateRange

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
DateFrom Start date for credit usage report BODY
DateTo End date for credit usage report BODY




// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSecure.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var messagesRemaining = client.GetPendingMessageCount(accountKey);

// Web Client / REST
var url = string.Format("{0}/PendingMessageCount",

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");

    var messagesRemaining = wClient.DownloadString(url);
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey "/PendingMessageCount"

    url: postUrl,
    method: "GET",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;

$Result = $client->GetPendingMessageCount($parameters);

curl "[accountKey]/PendingMessageCount"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.GetPendingMessageCount(accountKey)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/PendingMessageCount",

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.DownloadString(url)
End Using

Returns the number of messages currently waiting in queue at our gateway. Returns -1 on error.

HTTP Request

GET: /services/account.svc/:accountKey/PendingMessageCount

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL




// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSecure.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var messagesRemaining = client.GetRemainingMessageCount(accountKey);

// Web Client / REST
var url = string.Format("{0}/RemainingMessageCount",

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");

    var messagesRemaining = wClient.DownloadString(url);
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey "/RemainingMessageCount"

    url: postUrl,
    method: "GET",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;

$Result = $client->GetRemainingMessageCount($parameters);

curl "[accountKey]/RemainingMessageCount"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.GetRemainingMessageCount(accountKey)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/RemainingMessageCount",

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.DownloadString(url)
End Using

Get a count of remaining message credits on the given account

HTTP Request

GET: /services/account.svc/:accountKey/RemainingMessageCount

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL




// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSecure.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var creditsMoved = client.MoveCreditsToClient(masterAccountKey, clientAccountKey, numberOfCredits);

dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();
body.NumberOfCredits = 10;

var url = string.Format("{0}/MoveCreditsToClient/{1}",
    masterAccountKey, clientAccountKey);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");

    var creditsMoved = wClient.UploadString(url,
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + masterAccountKey + "/MoveCreditsToClient/" + clientAccountKey

var body = JSON.stringify({
  NumberOfCredits: numberOfCredits

    url: postUrl,
    method: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
    data: body
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);
// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $MasterAccountKey;
    public $ClientAccountKey;
    public $NumberOfCredits;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> MasterAccountKey = masterAccountKey;
$parameters -> ClientAccountKey = clientAccountKey;
$parameters -> NumberOfCredits = numberOfCredits;

$Result = $client->MoveCreditsToClient($parameters);
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
     "[masterAccountKey]/MoveCreditsToClient/[clientAccountKey]" \
     --data "{\"NumberOfCredits\": 10 }
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.MoveCreditsToClient(masterAccountKey, clientAccountKey, numberOfCredits)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/MoveCreditsToClient/{1}",
                        masterAccountKey, clientAccountKey)
Dim body = String.Format("{{ ""NumberOfCredits"": {0} }}", numberOfCredits)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.UploadString(url, body)
End Using

Move message credits from a master account to a client account

HTTP Request

POST: /services/account.svc/:masterAccountKey/MoveCreditsToClient/:clientAccountKey

Parameter Description Location
masterAccountKey Your Parent Swift SMS Gateway account key (Credits moved FROM this account) URL
clientAccountKey Your Child Swift SMS Gateway account key (Credits moved TO this account) URL
NumberOfCredits The number of credits to move from the MASTER to the CLIENT account BODY


integer – The number of credits moved to the client account. Zero if there was an issue moving credits.

Get the status of a message


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSecure.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var outgoingMessage = client.GetOutgoingMessage(messageId, accountKey);

// Web Client / REST
var url = string.Format("{0}/id/{1}",
    accountKey, messageId);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");

    var outgoingMessage = wClient.DownloadString(url);
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/id/" + messageId

    url: postUrl,
    method: "GET",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);
// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageID;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageID = messageId;

$Result = $client->GetOutgoingMessage($parameters);
curl "[accountKey]/id/[messageId]"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.GetOutgoingMessage(messageId, accountKey)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/id/{1}",
                        accountKey, messageId)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.DownloadString(url)
End Using

Get the status of an outgoing message by supplying the message ID and account key

HTTP Request

GET: /services/message.svc/:accountKey/id/:messageId

Parameter Description Location
accountKey YourSwift SMS Gateway account key URL
messageId The unique Message ID of the SMS to retrieve the information for URL



Get the status of a sent message


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSecure.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var messages = client.GetSentMessages(accountKey, messageCount);

    var url = string.Format("{0}/count/{1}",
    accountKey, messageCount);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");

    var messages = wClient.DownloadString(url);
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/countid/" + messageCount

    url: postUrl,
    method: "GET",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageCount;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageCount = messageCount;

$Result = $client->GetSentMessages($parameters);
curl "[accountKey]/count/[messageCount]"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.GetSentMessages(accountKey, messageCount)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/count/{1}",
                        accountKey, messageCount)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.DownloadString(url)
End Using

Returns an array of the X most recently sent SMS Messages

HTTP Request

GET: /services/message.svc/:accountKey/count/:messageCount

Parameter Description Location
accountKey YourSwift SMS Gateway account key URL
messageCount The number of messages to retrieve URL


Array of SMSOutgoingMessage


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSecure.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var messages = client.GetSentMessagesAfterID(accountKey, messageNumber);

// Web Client / REST
var url = string.Format("{0}/afterId/{1}",
    accountKey, messageCount);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");

    var messages = wClient.DownloadString(url);
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/afterId/" + messageNumber

    url: postUrl,
    method: "GET",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageNumber;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageNumber = messageNumber;

$Result = $client->GetSentMessagesAfterID($parameters);
curl "[accountKey]/afterId/[messageNumber]"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.GetSentMessagesAfterID(accountKey, messageCount)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/afterId/{1}",
                        accountKey, messageNumber)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.DownloadString(url)
End Using

Returns an array of (at most 1000) sent SMS Messages with IDs greater than the given one.

HTTP Request

GET: /services/message.svc/:accountKey/afterId/:messageCount

Parameter Description Location
accountKey YourSwift SMS Gateway account key URL
messageId The unique Message ID of the SMS to retrieve messages after URL


Array of SMSOutgoingMessage


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSecure.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var messages = client.GetSentMessagesAfterIDSimple(accountKey, messageNumber);

// Web Client / REST
// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageNumber;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageNumber = messageNumber;

$Result = $client->GetSentMessagesAfterIDSimple($parameters);
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.GetSentMessagesAfterIDSimple(accountKey, messageCount)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)

Returns an array of (at most 1000) sent SMS Messages with IDs greater than the given one in strings with fields separated by the tilde (~) character. Field order is MessageID~CellNumber~MessageBody~SentDate~Success~Reference.

Parameter Description Location
accountKey YourSwift SMS Gateway account key n/a
messageId The unique Message ID of the SMS to retrieve messages after n/a


Array of string


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSecure.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var messages = client.GetSentMessagesByReference(accountKey, reference);

// Web Client / REST
var url = string.Format("{0}/reference/{1}",
    accountKey, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(reference));

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");

    var messages = wClient.DownloadString(url);
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/reference/" + encodeURI(reference)

    url: postUrl,
    method: "GET",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);
// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $Reference;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> Reference = reference;

$Result = $client->GetSentMessagesByReference($parameters);

curl "[accountKey]/reference/[reference]"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.GetSentMessagesByReference(accountKey, reference)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/reference/{1}",
                        accountKey, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(reference))
Dim body = String.Format("{{ ""NumberOfCredits"": {0} }}", numberOfCredits)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.DownloadString(url)
End Using

Returns an array of (at most 1000) sent SMS Messages with the given reference value.

HTTP Request

GET: /services/message.svc/:accountKey/reference/:reference

Parameter Description Location
accountKey YourSwift SMS Gateway account key URL
reference The reference supplied on send URL


Array of SMSOutgoingMessage


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSecure.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var messages = client.GetSentMessagesByReferenceAfterID(accountKey, reference, messageNumber);

// Web Client / REST
var url = string.Format("{0}/referenceafterid/{1}/{2}",
    accountKey, messageNumber, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(reference));

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");

    var messages = wClient.DownloadString(url);
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/referenceafterid/" + messageNumber + "/" + encodeURI(reference)

    url: postUrl,
    method: "GET",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageNumber;
    public $Reference;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageNumber = messageNumber;
$parameters -> Reference = reference;

$Result = $client->GetSentMessagesByReferenceAfterID($parameters);
curl "[accountKey]/referenceafterid/[messageNumber]/[reference]"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.GetSentMessagesByReferenceAfterID(accountKey, reference, messageNumber)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/referenceafterid/{1}/{2}",
                        accountKey, messageNumber, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(reference))

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.DownloadString(url)
End Using

Returns an array of (at most 1000) sent SMS Messages with the given reference value which also have IDs greater than the given one.

HTTP Request

GET: /services/message.svc/:accountKey/referenceafterid/:messageNumber/:reference

Parameter Description Location
accountKey YourSwift SMS Gateway account key URL
messageNumber The unique message number to retrieve records after URL
reference The reference supplied on send URL


Array of SMSOutgoingMessage

Get the status of an Unsent Message


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSecure.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var messages = client.GetUnsentMessages(accountKey, dateFrom, dateTo, messageStatus);

// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();

// Convert .NET date/time to javascript friendly Unix epochs
body.DateFrom = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
body.DateTo = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

var url = string.Format("{0}/unsent/{1}",
    accountKey, messageStatus);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");

    var messagesUsed = wClient.UploadString(url,
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/unsent/" + messageStatus
var body = JSON.stringify({
  DateFrom: "2016-01-01",
  DateTo: "2016-01-07",
    url: postUrl,
    method: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
    data: body
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);
// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $DateFrom;
    public $DateTo
    public $MessageStatus;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> DateFrom = '2016-01-01';
$parameters -> DateTo = '2016-02-01';
$parameters -> MessageStatus = messageStatus;

$Result = $client->GetCreditsUsedInDateRange($parameters);
curl -X POST[accountKey]/unsent/[messageStatus] ^
    -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d @data.txt
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.GetUnsentMessages(accountKey, dateFrom, dateTo, messageStatus)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/unsent/{1}/",
                        accountKey, messageStatus)

Dim dateFrom = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
Dim dateTo = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")

Dim body = String.Format("{{ " & _
                            """NumberOfCredits"": {0}, " & _
                            """DateTo"": {1} " & _
                            "}}", dateFrom, dateTo)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.UploadString(url, body)
End Using

Returns an array of unsent SMS Messages queued between the given dates

HTTP Request

POST: /services/message.svc/:accountKey/unsent/:messageStatus

Parameter Description Location
accountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
messageStatus The status of the unsent message (1 = Pending, 2 = Time Restriction, 3 = Failed) URL
dateFrom Start date of the date range to report on BODY
dateTo End date of the date range to report on BODY


Array of SMSOutgoingMessage

Lookup Number Information


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSecure.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var numberInfo = client.HLRLookup(accountKey, phoneNumber);

// Web Client / REST
var url = string.Format("{0}/{1}",
    accountKey, phoneNumber);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");

    var numberInfo = wClient.DownloadString(url);
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = "" +
  "HLRLookup/" + accountKey + "/" + phoneNumber;

    url: postUrl,
    method: "GET",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);
// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $PhoneNumber;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> PhoneNumber = phoneNumber;

$Result = $client->HLRLookup($parameters);
curl "[accountKey]/[phoneNumber]"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.HLRLookup(accountKey, phoneNumber)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/{1}",
                        accountKey, phoneNumber)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.DownloadString(url)
End Using

Returns details about the carrier of the given North American phone number.

HTTP Request

GET: /services/message.svc/HLRLookup/:accountKey/:phoneNumber

Parameter Description Location
accountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
phoneNumber The phone number to perform a HLR lookup on URL




// Service Reference / SOAP
var phoneNumbers = new SwiftSecure.ArrayOfString { "5552125555", "5553135555" };

using (var client = new SwiftSecure.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var numberInfo = client.HLRLookupBulk(accountKey, phoneNumber);

// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();
body.phoneNumbers = new[] { "5552125555", "5553135555" };

var url = string.Format("{0}",

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");

    var numberInfo = wClient.UploadString(url,
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  "HLRLookupBulk/" + accountKey;
var body = JSON.stringify({
  phoneNumbers: [destinationNumber, destinationNumber, ...]
    url: postUrl,
    method: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
    data: body
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);
// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $PhoneNumbers;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> PhoneNumbers = (destinationNumber, destinationNumber, ...);

$Result = $client->HLRLookupBulk($parameters);

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
     "[accountKey]" \
     --data "{\"PhoneNumbers\": [\"destinationNumber\", ...]}"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.HLRLookupBulk(accountKey, phoneNumbers)
End Using

Dim url = String.Format("{0}",
Dim body = "{""PhoneNumbers"": [" & _
    """5552125555"", ""5553135555"", ..." & _

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.UploadString(url, body)
End Using

Returns details about the carrier of the given North American phone numbers.

HTTP Request

POST: /services/message.svc/HLRLookupBulk/:accountKey

Parameter Description Location
accountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
phoneNumbers Array of phone numbers to perform a HLR lookup on BODY


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSecure.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var numberInfo = client.LRNLookup(accountKey, phoneNumber);

// Web Client / REST
var url = string.Format("{0}/{1}",
    accountKey, phoneNumber);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");

    var numberInfo = wClient.DownloadString(url);
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  "LRNLookup/" + accountKey + "/" + phoneNumber;

    url: postUrl,
    method: "GET",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);
// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $PhoneNumber;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> PhoneNumber = phoneNumber;

$Result = $client->LRNLookup($parameters);
curl "[accountKey]/[phoneNumber]"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.LRNLookup(accountKey, phoneNumber)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/{1}",
                        accountKey, phoneNumber)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.DownloadString(url)
End Using

Returns details about the carrier of the given North American phone number.

HTTP Request

GET: /services/message.svc/LRNLookup/:accountKey/:phoneNumber

Parameter Description Location
accountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
phoneNumber The phone number to perform a HLR lookup on URL




// Service Reference / SOAP
var phoneNumbers = new SwiftSecure.ArrayOfString { "5552125555", "5553135555" };

using (var client = new SwiftSecure.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var numberInfo = client.LRNLookupBulk(accountKey, phoneNumber);

// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();
body.phoneNumbers = new[] { "5552125555", "5553135555" };

var url = string.Format("{0}",

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");

    var numberInfo = wClient.UploadString(url,
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  "LRNLookupBulk/" + accountKey;
var body = JSON.stringify({
  phoneNumbers: [destinationNumber, destinationNumber, ...]
    url: postUrl,
    method: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
    data: body
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);
// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $AccountKey;
    public $PhoneNumbers;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> PhoneNumbers = (destinationNumber, destinationNumber, ...);

$Result = $client->LRNLookupBulk($parameters);

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
     "[accountKey]" \
     --data "{\"PhoneNumbers\": [\"destinationNumber\", ...]}"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.LRNLookupBulk(accountKey, phoneNumbers)
End Using

Dim url = String.Format("{0}",
Dim body = "{""PhoneNumbers"": [" & _
    """5552125555"", ""5553135555"", ..." & _

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.UploadString(url, body)
End Using

Returns details about the carrier of the given North American phone numbers.

HTTP Request

POST: /services/message.svc/LRNLookupBulk/:accountKey

Parameter Description Location
accountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
phoneNumbers Array of phone numbers to perform a LRN lookup on BODY


// Service Reference / SOAP
using (var client = new SwiftSecure.SendSMSSoapClient())
    var response = client.LookupNumberThenSend(accountKey, phoneNumber, messageBody, reference);

// Web Client / REST
dynamic body = new ExpandoObject();
body.MessageBody = messageBody;
body.Reference = reference;

var url = string.Format("{0}/{1}", 
    accountKey, destinationNumber);

using (var wClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
    wClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json");

    string response = wClient.UploadString(url,
// uses JQuery library
var postUrl = ""
  + accountKey + "/" + destinationNumber
var body = JSON.stringify({
  MessageBody: "Message Body",
  Reference: "Reference"
    url: postUrl,
    method: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
    data: body
}).done(function(response) {
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  alert (xhr.responseText);

// using SOAP Module -

class SMSParam {
    public $CellNumber;
    public $AccountKey;
    public $MessageBody;
    public $Reference;

$client = new SoapClient('');
$parameters = new SMSParam;

$parameters -> CellNumber = destinationNumber;
$parameters -> AccountKey = accountKey;
$parameters -> MessageBody = "This is a demonstration of using PHP5.";
$parameters -> Reference = reference;

$Result = $client->LookupNumberThenSend($parameters);
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
     "[accountKey]/[destination]" \
     --data "{\"MessageBody\": \"[messageBody]\", \"Reference\": \"[reference]\"}"
' Service Reference (SOAP)
Using client = New SwiftSMS.SendSMSSoapClient
    Dim response = client.LookupNumberThenSend(destinationNumber, messageBody,
                    accountKey, reference)
End Using

' WebClient (REST)
Dim url = String.Format("{0}/{1}",
                        accountKey, destinationNumber)
Dim body = String.Format("{{ ""MessageBody"": ""{0}"", " & _
                         "   ""Reference"" : ""{1}"" }}",
                            messageBody, reference)

Using wClient = New Net.WebClient
    wClient.Encoding = New UTF8Encoding()
    wClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json")

    Dim wResponse = wClient.UploadString(url, body)
End Using

Performs a lookup on the given number and only if the number is wireless, an SMS is sent. Returns Message queued successfully on successful send, or an error message (see SendMessage) on failure.

HTTP Request

POST: /services/message.svc/LookupNumberThenSend/:accountKey/:destinationNumber

Parameter Description Location
AccountKey Your Swift SMS Gateway account key URL
DestinationNumber Cell number to receive the text message URL
MessageBody Body of the message to send BODY
Reference Internal Reference ID BODY



See SendMessage

Data Types


Property Type Description
AccountKey string The account key for the receiving account
Message string The message body of the received message
MessageNumber integer A unique identifier for the incoming message
OutgoingMessageID integer If this is a reply to an outgoing message, will contain the MessageID of the outgoing message
PhoneNumber string Phone number the message was received from
ReceivedDate DateTime Date/Time message arrived


Property Type Description
AccountKey string The account key for the receiving account
Destination string The destination phone number (recipient number)
MessageBody string The message body of the received message
MessageNumber integer A unique identifier for the incoming message
OutgoingMessageID integer If this is a reply to an outgoing message, will contain the MessageID of the outgoing message
PhoneNumber string Phone number the message was received from
ReceivedDate DateTime Date/Time message arrived
Reference string If this is a reply to an outgoing message, this is the reference that was given on send


Property Type Description
Body string Message body of SMS
CellNumber string Destination cell number of SMS
CreditsDeducted integer Number of credits deducted for sending the SMS message
MessageID long Unique Message ID of outgoing SMS
QueueDate DateTime Date/Time message was queued to send
Reference string Reference supplied when sending SMS
SendDate DateTime Date/Time message was sent to carrier cloud
Sent boolean True if sent, False if failed or pending
SuccessString string Message state: Success, Failed or Pending


Property Type Description
ErrorMessage string Empty if no error, if there was an error on lookup, this will describe what the issue is
country HLRCountryInfo Country information for the number
msisdn string The full phone number including international dialing prefix
network HLRNetworkInfo Network information for the phone number
networkPrefix string Network prefix of phone number
valid boolean Is phone number a valid number


Property Type Description
code string Country acronym
id integer Returns "0"
locale string Local region of phone number (e.g. America/New York")
name string Full country name (e.g. Canada)
prefix string International dialing prefix


Property Type Description
countryId integer Numeric representation of phone's country
id integer Should always return "0"
mcc string Mobile Country Code - Numeric representation of phone number's country for mobile carriers
mnc string Mobile Network Code - Numeric representation of phone number's carrier (if blank does not belong to a mobile carrier)
name string Long name of mobile carrier


Property Type Description
CarrierName string Long name of phone number carrier
CarrierType string Indicates type of carrier for phone number (e.g. WIRELESS, MVNO, etc)
ErrorMessage string null if no error. Contains any errors that may have occurred on lookup
LATA integer Local access and transport area - Geographical area
OCN string Original network ID
PhoneNumber string Full phone number including international calling code
RateCenter string Regional rate center
SwitchName string Switch name (regional information)

International Number Formatting

Once your account has been authorized for sending outside of North America, you can text anywhere in the world. Our service expects to be passed international phone numbers (in the CellNumber parameter) as digits only, starting with the country code followed by the complete telephone number. Do not include a leading "011" or "+".

So for example, to text Australia (country code 61) your number should look like: 61455553333 Kenya (country code 254) would look like: 254755444333